If you are trying to sign up for the Mange by Mail Program please click here: www.wildlifehotline.com/mange/donate The Bi-State Wildlife Hotline, Inc. is a not for profit corporation registered in the state of Missouri. We receive no state or federal funding, nor do we benefit from any percentage of resident’s personal property or sales taxes. […]
Contact 2
Volunteer Application
Contact Us Volunteer Application State*To work with the Wildlife Hotline you must reside in Missouri or Illinois. Please select the state you currently reside in.MissouriIllinoisOtherDate of Birth*You must be AT LEAST 18 years of age to work with the Wildlife Hotline. Due to the potential dangers of working with wildlife, children under the age of […]
Baby Opossums
A lot of people who call the hotline have the wrong idea about opossums. No, they do not have rabies. In fact it is EXTREMELY rare if even POSSIBLE for opossums to get rabies because their body temperature is too low for rabies to survive and replicate well. The usual reason people think they have […]
Baby Groundhogs
Groundhogs and woodchucks are the same species. They are just called by both names. Groundhogs in Missouri and Illinois live just about everywhere. They often are in medians of highways, at highway exit ramps, in the grassy areas around shopping plazas, and people just don’t notice them. They live underground and eat mostly grasses, clover, […]
Baby Coyote or Fox
Many of the calls we receive regarding coyotes and foxes are not technically help calls. They are much more like general education calls more than anything else. When you live in a busy metro area, or a major city, you do not expect to see coyotes/foxes out your back window, but in reality our coyotes/foxes […]
The Wildlife Hotline doesn’t get many calls about turtles or frogs on an average day. No one is calling the hotline with “Help! There’s a turtle in my attic.” or “These frogs keep getting in my trash.” Normally, frogs and turtles don’t cause us much trouble. However, there is a time period in early summer […]
Raptors are birds of prey that primarily hunt prey or scavenge for carrion. Raptors include diurnal (chiefly active in the daytime) birds as well as the nocturnal owl. Raptors have three physical characteristics that set them apart from other birds. These include strong grasping feet with sharp talons used to seize prey, a hooked or […]
Raptors are birds of prey that primarily hunt prey or scavenge for carrion. Raptors include diurnal (chiefly active in the daytime) birds as well as the nocturnal owl. Raptors have three physical characteristics that set them apart from other birds. These include strong grasping feet with sharp talons used to seize prey, a hooked or […]
From March through May this is our most common call into the hotline concerning waterfowl. Most callers say that the goose is injured, or sick, because why else would a goose sit there and let you approach it so closely? Why else would a goose sit in a traffic lane in a busy parking lot […]
The Wildlife Hotline doesn’t get many calls about turtles or frogs on an average day. No one is calling the hotline with “Help! There’s a turtle in my attic.” or “These frogs keep getting in my trash.” Normally, frogs and turtles don’t cause us much trouble. However, there is a time period in early summer […]
From March through May this is our most common call into the hotline concerning waterfowl. Most callers say that the goose is injured, or sick, because why else would a goose sit there and let you approach it so closely? Why else would a goose sit in a traffic lane in a busy parking lot […]
Birds (Songbirds)
Backyard birding has become America’s favorite pastime. Americans have more bird feeders than cable television. In part, because of this, we meet our bird friends in every possible capacity. Sometimes conflicts occur and we are left struggling to find humane options for a solution. Below you will find a list of our most common songbird […]
Found a Baby Squirrel? Click here for detailed instructions. Squirrels are America’s favorite wild animal to watch, feed, and be entertained by. Simultaneously, they are also hated by gardeners, bird feeders, dogs, cats, and grumpy old men everywhere. There are devices to deter squirrels from eating your bird seed, and other devices designed to entertainingly […]
A lot of people who call the hotline have the wrong idea about opossums. No, they do not have rabies. In fact it is EXTREMELY rare if even POSSIBLE for opossums to get rabies because their body temperature is too low for rabies to survive and replicate well. The usual reason people think they have […]
Many people who live on or near a lake, creek, river, or body of water are very used to seeing our little ‘river rats’. Muskrats played an important role in the settlement of this country, providing food and fur for the people who came here. Nowadays, they live in our bodies of water, really tick […]
Mountain Lions
A cat by many names – Mountain Lion, Cougar, Puma, Mountain Cat, Panther and Catamount. This powerful predator roams the Americas, where it is also known as a Cougar, Puma, Mountain Cat, Panther and Catamount. This big cat of many names is also found in many habitats, from Florida swamps to Canadian forests. They can […]
Groundhogs and woodchucks are the same species. They are just called by both names. Groundhogs in Missouri and Illinois live just about everywhere. They often are in medians of highways, at highway exit ramps, in the grassy areas around shopping plazas, and people just don’t notice them. They live underground and eat mostly grasses, clover, […]
Our most common call concerning our local deer is when a person finds a fawn, or two, under their porch in their back yard. Mom is nowhere to be seen, and it seems as though these poor fawns have been abandoned at your house. We love this call. Mother deer leave their young somewhere safe […]
*If you are looking for our Mange by Mail Program, click here. Many of the calls we receive regarding coyotes and foxes are not technically help calls. They are much more like general education calls more than anything else. When you live in a busy metro area, or a major city, you do not expect […]
medium-sized cats and are slightly smaller but similar in appearance to their cousin, the lynx. Their coats vary in color from shades of beige to brown fur with spotted or lined markings in dark brown or black. Bobcats are one of those animals that, when seen by residents, they prompt a lot of phone calls […]